Thursday, November 29, 2007

Pimp Your Page!

Please help spread the love from Urban Construction Designs....

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Pimp Your Page with an Urban Construction Designs Banner! Just copy the code in the box below, and post it into your page!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Purse Organizer

I work in a really bad area, and choose to take public transportation. As such, I always try to be prepared in case of emergency with pepper spray, stun gun, etc. However I quickly realized last week when I had an unfortunate incident on my lunch break that it doesn't matter what I have in my purse if I can't get at it quickly while panicking. I saw a purse organizer at one of the big box stores, and decided to make my own, customized to each of the things that I carry on a daily basis. I have a pocket for my stun gun, wallet, portable vinyl shopping bag, iPod, cell phone, mini sketch book, etc.

To make it, I measured the width of my purse and doubled that measurement. I measured how high in my purse I wanted it to sit. I made three rectangles of fabric, one about 4 extra inches in width. I sewed together the two that are twice the width of my purse, and put in some recycled thin cardboard (from a pilates book/dvd set), and then used the third piece to make the pockets. I measured each item I wanted to put in and made an appropriately sized pocket. When I was finished, I sewed a loop of fabric to clip my keys to. Hopefully now I will be ready for anything that comes my way!!!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Holiday Punk Rock Craft Fair Application!

I am organizing a holiday punk rock craft fair in Los Angeles with my
friends at the Kiss or Kill Club. Kiss or Kill is a weekly punk
showcase of local bands, and sadly the tradition is coming to an end.
The final event is going to be on Wednesday, December 12th. Since it
is the final event ever, there should be tons of people attending. If
you are interested in applying to be a vendor, please apply directly
through the following link:
